PAWS Working Group

Ratings, Codes
& Certification

The PAWS Ratings, Codes & Certification Working Group partners with stakeholders across the residential and commercial, new construction, and retrofit sectors. Through engagement in regulatory and certification processes, the group supports and creates market transformation opportunities for high-performance primary and attachment window products to achieve carbon reduction and net zero energy-building goals. 

Window installation

Strategic Goals

The goals of the PAWS Ratings, Codes & Certifications Working Group are to: 

  • Bring to PAWS stakeholders awareness of primary and attachment window ratings, codes and certification-related activity at national and regional levels. 
  • Coordinate with PAWS partners and stakeholders to contribute industry expertise in response to ratings, codes and certification proposals in order to accelerate adoption of high performance primary and attachment window products.
  • Drive demand for high performance primary and attachment window products by advocating for rating, codes and certifications to establish minimum performance criteria in support of achieving carbon reduction and net zero energy building goals.
  • Develop a go-to information resource for PAWS partners and supporters interested in contributing to the development and updating of standards for primary and attachment window products. 

Get Involved

Join the Ratings, Codes, and Certification Working Group

Help transform the market for high-efficiency window solutions to ensure their place as a key component of our clean energy future.

Join Ratings, Codes & Certification Working Group